Salinas Valley Family Portraits

We absolutely love Salinas Valley family portrait sessions was so much fun we could hardly contain our shutters! Moving faster than our shutters is how quickly time passes. In what seems like a flash, Patrick and his baby sister will be all grown up. They will some day look back at these photos and ask their parents, Steve and Danielle, “what was it like when was I little”. Loving memories will be shared and passed on for generations.

adorable family
mother son

You see, family is more than just multiple people living together. It’s a collection of cherished memories, moments shared with each other and traditions. A family celebrates together in the best of times and strengthens each other during the hard times. The annual family portrait is but a conversation starter of “remember when we lived in Salinas Valley..” or “that time when…”. It brings us together with the best that life has to offer, love.

baby blue eyes

Steve and Danielle we hope these photos will start many conversations and build strong family connections. We hope you enjoy a few of our favorite photos from your session.

father son
family photo

If you would like to see other family portrait out side of Salinas Valley check out Baby on Board at Lovers Point

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